Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Old Friends and New Ones
This is a cool group of women. We had some great conversation, a few laughs and of course lots of photos were taken. I feel quite blessed to include Sandra as a friend. She is such an incredibly nice person. I have enjoyed getting to know he friends and appreciate the friendships I have made with them.
From the time I was a little girl Christmas Cookies has been a integral part of the holiday.
I remember my mom making the dough and rolling out cookies. As I got a little older I discovered cook books and that there were so many more cookies than sugar and chocolate chip that people could make. I would try anything that looked festive and different.
Since I have become a mother a huge part of my holiday is waking up at 4:00 am and sneaking downstairs to work on a batch of cookies. My love for creating these yummy goodies has rub off on my girls and they can't wait until they get to make their own Christmas cookies.
So this year has been not different.
The giggles and conversation as they produced their cookies was fun to listen to.
I spent Friday morning and most of the day knocking out a couple batches of cookies.
Saturday afternoon our area was hit with quite a bit of snow, so to keep everyone from getting a little stir crazy being in the house we decided to decorate those yummy sugar cookies that the girls had a made a few days earlier.
It was such a good time. Lots of laughing and talking. The part I will remember the most is that we were all together. I just love my little family.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
There were hundreds of beautifully decorated trees in different themes.
Many of the trees are decorated in remembrance of a child or adult that has passed away. Next to some of the trees would be there photo and there were people who stood near the trees that could tell you the stories behind the trees.
There was a sweet spirit there with those trees.
We took a few more traditionally posed pictures inside the house in front of the Christmas tree. Then Steve had an idea to take a few with us up in the willow tree in the backyard. So we all went out, barefoot, into the cold backyard and climbed up into the tree. I was not too sure if I would like these. But I ended up loving them. I actually love them so much that I blew one up to 11x14 to mat and frame and hang over the fireplace. So, I guess Steve does have some good ideas.

Saturday, November 29, 2008
BLACK FRIDAY arrived...
I picked up Dayna, Annette, Annette's daughter Rachel and Stacey and we stopped and got some hot cocoa before standing in line to get into Smith's Marketplace when they opened their doors at 5:00 am.
Little Annie, my niece, enjoyed feeding herself mashed potatoes. Before long she will find a comfortable place at the kids table and join in on all the fun.
Zack: Of all the things I could be thankful for, I am thankful for my freedom to speak what I want, when I wish. I am proud to have this life and the choice to be an American. I am also thankful for my religion, an LDS Mormon. I love to have something to believe in as lives end and new ones begin. I am proud of the choice to believe in Christ, and have a chance to live in the ETERNAL City in Heaven. I am proud of simple things, things that are important, however, for everyone. I love to have thanks for every little or large thing.
Belle: I am grateful for a roof over my head, food, water, health, family, ears, school, tv to entertain us, Grandma, friends, clothes, toys, money, pencils, paper, paint, shoes, healthy stuff, earth, everything.
Katie: Thanks for a roof, a bed, protection, a blanket, a fireplace, toys, fire, the earth, love, heaven, trees, plants, pets, clothes, a family, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles.
Becky: Count my blessings for company, grandparents, love, family, cousins, bible, plants, baptism, animals, home, food, beds, weather.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Zack had brought his oboe to practice for an upcoming school band concert.
Katie brought along her guitar that she is bought 2 months ago.
Belle found Papa's tin whistle to jam on.
Becky added some soul to the mix by blowing on the harmonica.
And lastly was Anastasia bought up the rear on he recorder.
It was incredibly loud, but very cool to see them all kind of hanging out.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Katie was a Renaissance Princess
Becky was a Beautiful Vampiress
Belle was a Cute Devil
Zack dressed as Eragon, from the book of the same name
And I pulled out the costume from 9 years ago and was Dorothy (minus my scarecrow)

We then headed off to the church for the festivities. It was fun to see all the cute goblins and ghouls, but especially cool to see so many of the adults participating.
It turned out to be a fun night that ended with the children trunk or treating in the back of the church.

We then headed off to the church for the festivities. It was fun to see all the cute goblins and ghouls, but especially cool to see so many of the adults participating.
It turned out to be a fun night that ended with the children trunk or treating in the back of the church.

Heston & Bailee
Sandra, Jon, Julie, & EricSara, Emily, Brecken & Kaitlyn

Dayna & Nikki
It was time to carve into those suckers.
Hope you enjoy the pictures...
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