Thursday, November 17, 2005

My Little Scout

Just got home from Zack's Pack Meeting. He loves being a scout. He will probably earn his Bear Badge at the next Pack Meeting. That will be pretty cool. Today's meeting was okay: we said the pledge, watched a skit, handed out awards and the played "Dodge Ball".

Last night was our Enrichment Night. We did an auction named "Angels Among Us". We made something or promised a service using our talent. I made the before mention scrapbook and a WHOLE BUNCH of CHOCOLATE COOKIES. Then once we got to the church we answered a bunch of questioned that had different points values. Some questions were spiritual, "Did you say your prayers" "Are you caught up on your Book of Mormon reading?". Then some of the questions were like, "Did you make your bed today" "Could you find Iraq on a map?" I got out bided on the two things I thought were my first choices. I ended up with a cute snowman cookie jar and a bunch of ingredients for making and decorating cookies. It was a fun evening. Highly recommend anyone who is looking for an activity for church or even a party.

So...I'm gonna tell you about my newest household gadget that I am LOVING.

Now don't laugh at me.

Steve broke our vacuum on Tuesday. So we went out that afternoon and bought a new vacuum. Okay I know pretty boring, BUT we bought one of those bagless vacuums. I have loved vacuuming and getting to see all the dust and dog hair that has gotten sucked up. It totally thrills me, I vacuumed our bedroom 3 times today to make sure I had gotten it pretty darn clean. After each room I have been dumping out the dust and stuff. It is so cool. I am loving it. Okay. I know I am weird, but it is the small things in life that make me happy.


Anonymous said...

He is a cutie! That's so great he loves to do something like that.


Carrie Anne said...

Don't worry, I get a total thrill out of seeing that too. We have one of those bagless too and it's so cool, yet so gross seeing all the dirt, dog hair, etc.