Saturday, March 11, 2006

Busy Friday

I was all over the place on Friday...

I woke up jumped in the shower, typed up my handouts for the PTA meeting, went grocery shopping with Steve. Once we got home from shopping I feed the girls their lunch and tried to get the food put away.

We took the girls to school and went to the school for Katie's VIK (Very Important Kindergartener). We walked in the classroom and she was just tickled. She put a crown on and stood in front of the classroom as she waited for the rest of the students to come in. She knew it was here day and was going to enjoy every second of it. Steve and I had to tell the class and little bit about Katie. She would point to the pictures that I had put on the poster board that was about her and I would explain why that was significant to her. Then she got to call on different people in the class to ask her questions:

What is you favorite movie? My Little Pony,

What is your favorite toy? My Little Pet Shop,

What is your favorite color? Pink,

Who is your favorite friend? Madison.

Then Steve and I left to go and eat our lunch and have our daily Settlers game. I did not get to relax for very long before I was off to the school yet again for the PTA meeting. We met for about an hour and then I was off to do my carpool and pick up kids.

I ran to the library later in the day and dropped off a bunch of movies and books that we had checked out. I was nice to meander in the quiet library for a few minutes before returning home. We had a pretty great evening together. The kids watched a movie and Steve and I spent sometime in our bedroom. We watched tv, read and just talked. It was quite pleasant. An ideal way to end a busy day.

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