Wednesday we loaded the rental van with lunch, diet coke, nets and buckets and headed to Quonochontaug "Quanney". It is a great inlet in Rhode Island. The tide was out when we arrived. So the kids walked through looking for crabs and other critters. With nets in hand they founds live crabs, the carcasses for horseshoe crabs, various shells.
I hung out with our chairs and food. I did wander off for a few minutes to see if I could find any treasures of my own. When I looked back to our picnic area, what should I see, but a seagull trying to make off with our loaf of bread for sandwiches. After I chased the little scavenger off I found all of our food had been pulled out of the bag.
Later on Steve and the kids managed to find some little flounders and even scooped them with their nets and had them in a bucket for us all to see. Belle managed to track down a few jelly fish.
After a while Gramma, Steve and the kids went over to where the rocks are to do a little more scavenging and found some starfish, which were way cool. The tide was coming in and we had discovered all there was to discover that day. We packed up our goodies, said goodbye to the critters and drove back to Greenville.
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