Tuesday, January 25, 2011


With the bitterly cold weather we have had the last few weeks I have taken to treadmilling rather than freezing my bum outside.  There are two problems with that...
(1) the treadmill can get a bit boring after a while
(2) it is too easy to stop earlier than i initially had planned.
So after looking at my planner yesterday and seeing that it is only 11 WEEKS until the Salt Lake Half Marathon I realized I needed to take this "working out" a little more seriously. 
So I pulled on the running tights (okay, I know the mental image of me in running tights is terrifying, but you can stop laughing now), the ear muffs, gloves, 2 layers of shirts and a hoodie sweat shirt.  I also opened up a pack of handwarmers that I picked up at the Target $1 Pot a month ago.  With nano in place and garmin on my wrist (unfortunately the battery wasn't completely charged and only got about have my wa-og recorded)  I headed outside.
The first part of my walk was cold, but not as bad as I had anticipated, but the second half, mother nature decided to mix it up on me and decided to send down some snow.  And the last  few blocks I had the cold wind hitting he side of my face with little ice pellets mixed it...NOT SO MUCH FUN!!!
There is a pretty cool sense of accomplishment that comes from going outside for a wa-og compared to just doing it on the treadmill.  Looking forward to more training outside!!

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