Saturday, May 05, 2007

My Last Few Days

A couple of months ago my BFF Shawna emailed and asked if I was planning to attend Women's Conference in May at BYU. I had done Education Week a few years ago and so enjoyed myself. I signed up and convinced my mom to also come along. Mom and I got to BYU at about 9:00 am on Thursday and headed to the Marriott Center where we heard Wendy Watson Nelson speak. She was great. The main theme was that we were saved to be here for this moment in time. She was an incredible speaker. Once that concluded we headed over to Wilkinson Student Center for classes we had chosen. My classes on Thursday were titled:
Preparing for a Responsible Future:The Value of Education for Teens and Young Adults Raylene Hadley and Donna Newbold
Great Literature: Seeking the Virtuous, Lovely or Praiseworthy Marilyn Arnold and Richard H. Cracroft
Women of God:Joint-Heirs of the Kingdom Linda H. Christensen and Laurie Swim
Once we completed our classes we had to hustle to the van so I could gt home. I did not want the children to have to be home alone for too long.

The next morning we met up again at the Marriott Center. Luckily mom and I got there a little earlier and were able to get some better seats. Which we were so blessed because, just as I sat down I realized how impossible it was going to be for me to find Shawna. (we had been unable to get in touch with each other) I turned to my right and there about 15 seats away from me was SHAWNA!! I yelled for her and we hugged and visited for a minute and then decided we would try to hook up later in the afternoon. How lucky was I. After Shawna returned to her seat the program began. It was the most moving show I had seen in a long time. It was entitled "Arms Around My Sister".

This is how the program explained the production:
A special musical presentation
In an original musical presentation commissioned for this year's
Women's Conference, we look inside the hearts of women from the Old Testament
times, early nineteenth century, and our present day. Each addresses the
timeless question: Was I sent to the kingdom for such a time as this?

The whole presentation was so moving. There were 8 women dressed in black that told the different stories and sang beautiful songs an then young women that danced in between each story. It was BEAUTIFUL!!!
I attended another class at Wilkinson Center named:
Making Family Mealtime the Highlight of the Day Susan W. Robinson and Michelle King
After the class I met up with mom and we had lunch together. Once we were done we decided we would miss our second class and go to the bookstore and shop a little. As were walked over there someone tapped my shoulder. It was my friend Sandy Pingel who I had not seen for a couple of years. She use to live in Maine and moved to Utah and then to Idaho. I was thrilled to see her. And visited for a few minutes. As we stood there and talked a man walked by me and as I looked at him I realized I recognized him. It was Kerry Muhlestein. He is the missionary that baptized me nearly 18 years ago. I was floored. I knew he taught at BYU, but did not think I would run into him. He actually remembered me which was very cool. Shortly after he walked away and I continued visiting with Sandy, Shawna walked by and I caught her. We all: Mom, Sandy, Shawna and myself talked for a while. Then Mom went shopping and Sandy left and Shawna and I walked to our last class at Smith Fieldhouse:
Time Management for the Chronically Overextended Stacie Clements Lindsey and Ann Cannon
We spent the time prior to the class talking about kids, husbands and being mommies.

I value my friendship with Shawna. For those who don 't know, Shawna is my dear friend from way back to my years growing up in Riverside. When I investigated the church it was her kind mother Mona that opened her home up to me and the missionaries so I could receive the lessons. When I had to write my first talk in sacrament meeting I came to Shawna's home and Shawna helped me know how to go about this. We got in some trouble together, but overall just had a GREAT time. She was my maid of honor when I got married and I was her's. I never missed much when I moved from California, but I did regret that our children would not have the opportunity to be friends or play together. She was there at the Salt Lake Temple when Steve, the kids and I were all sealed together and when my dear Gram passed away she made a special trip to be there for the funeral. It does not matter how long it has been since we have seen each other, we seem to just pick up where we left off. I just love her to death.

This morning I woke up and had to return to my life...Recharged and Ready to be the best Mom and Wife I can be. That is how I feel after I spend a couple of days at something like this. I feel inspired and proud to be a mom and wife.

So I decided to make breakfast a little fun and pulled out the Hello Kitty Waffle iron the kids got from Aunt Mabel for Christmas. The kids love Saturday mornings getting to stay in their pajamas for as long as they want, sleeping in and chocolate milk day. As we sat there eating our Hello Kitty Waffles and the kids drinking their chocolate milk...I did count my blessings: Steve, Zack, Belle, Katie and Becky. I am truly blessed.

1 comment:

Costa Rica Baby! said...

I had such a fun time at WC. It was crazy that I ran into you twice!!! Very cool.
It's funny, you can tell I had been bawling in the last class, my eyes are so red and swollen. :)
Love ya!!!