Sunday, November 11, 2007

Old Friends are the Best Friends

Yesterday, while I was at the Super Saturday Activity, I received a call on my cellphone.
The person on the other end of the phone identified them self as "Emily".
I replied with, "Emily who?"
She then told me her maiden name.
I was shocked.
It was my girlfriend from high school...she had been in my wedding and that was the last time we had seen each other,

Emily told me she was on I15 and would like to stop by and say hi. She came to the church I was at...She looked exactly the same. That bright shiny face and blond curly hair. She said I looked exactly the same, but we both had to admit we had put on a few pounds as we had matured. She was only here for 20 minutes. Long enough to meet my children, see my home, give each other a hug, share a brief synopsis of the last 12 years, and finally a photo to capture our brief visit and then she was gone...

But she left me with a mindful of memories I had not thought about in quite some time.

1 comment:

Costa Rica Baby! said...

Old friends are the best friends because they know all the dirt about you and yet still like you! Huh, Nikki???? :)
How fun to see Emily!!!!